Sunday, February 15, 2009

Aransas, Texas

We came upon a flock of Sandhill Cranes
in the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge.
They were feeding in a grassy patch.
When we stopped they flew.
They are so beautiful.

We were told at the visitor center that a pair of Whooping Cranes were nesting on the refuge.
We climbed the observation tower and looked out but the birds we saw were very far away.
I am not sure I saw Whooping Cranes. I do so want to see them.
We are hoping to see some during the Spring migration.
I am planning a weekend trip in April to a refuge closer to home.

This is a large refuge with plenty of deer

and flocks of Black Vultures.

I was awed by them.

Turkey Vultures mingled in.

I think I have my photographs for Halloween cards.

It was here we saw the Javelina.

We saw our first "alive" Armadillo.

This friendly fellow came right up to us.

There were alligators also.

Much smaller than the pair we saw in Atascosa.

This marsh was accessible from a trail.

Nice to be up close to the turtles.

Many American Robins.

A little sweet bee buzzed me and my husband.
Bee whispers.
It was time for us to leave.

The visitors center was closing.
We needed to start heading north.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Oh my gosh it looks like that bee is in M's hair. It wanted to hichhike someplace else.

Great vulture photos. We usually can't get that close to them. These must be refuge vultures and used to visitors.

I can't wait to see a black vulture in our area. They usually don't come this far West in INdiana. One of these days they will though. They are expanding their range in Indiana.

ICQB said...

Your pictures take me back to when we lived in Texas. We were there for 3 years in the late 90's. We lived in a small town about an hour west of San Antonio.

Great photos - and thanks for the memories!