Friday, February 13, 2009

Laguna Atascosa

On the way to Laguna Atascosa, Texas,
we stopped to watch Roseate Spoonbills.

I believe this juvenile White Ibis enjoyed the company of the Spoonbill.

This area was near the road.
I saw abondoned tires and blowing trash.

The birds did not mind the passing cars.
They did weary of me taking photographs!

Roadrunners greeted us near the entrance of the refuge.

This refuge is made up of 46,000 acres at the southern tip of the Central Flyway.
7,000 acres are marshland, saltwater and freshwater.

We watch in wonder as this Sora fished.

The Common Yellow Throat did not seem to mind us.

Black-necked Stilts,

Northern Pintail ducks and

Glossy Ibis fed with a pair of alligators.

A Great Southern White flew about as we hiked.

I loved seeing the bugs!

We spotted a Tri-colored Heron

and a Green Jay taking a bath.

This was a wonderful birding day.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

What a lovely flock of birds you saw Sherry. Simply marvelous shots. I can't wait for my turn to go observe them.

Mary said...

The Green Jay is so pretty! I think I would have been most excited to see a Roadrunner.

Wendy said...

Your pictures are glorious! I see you didn't take the alligators pics! LOL!
Too bad about the trash. Spoils it, doesn't it?