Thursday, February 12, 2009

Santa Ana Wildlife Refuge

The Santa Ana wildlife refuge
is concidered the gem of the region.
It is brimming with birds, butterflies and dragonflies.

Great Blue Herons were wading in road side pools on the drive to Santa Ana.

As were Great Egrets.

We stopped for photographs and a, "Hello."

We drove the "farm to market" and the "ranch to market"
roads when ever we could.
I saw many butterflies I had never seen before.
This looks to be a Ceraunus Blue.

A Queen was resting in the grass.

This beauty is not in my Texas butterfly guide.

Four Great Kiskadees made such a noise when we were birding.

The Mexican Bluewing nectered on grapefruit that the staff had placed for the Green Jays and for the Chachalacas.

The Black Crested Tufted Titmouse was so cute!
Dragonflies and damselflies

patrolled their territories.

Spanish moss dripped from the trees.
and Zebra Longwings nectered on wild ageratum.
Heaven on earth!


Lisa at Greenbow said...

It is like going to a tropical island only better to me. Marvelous photos. Just seeing them makes me more eager (if that is possible) to get on the road.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

The butterfly that you mentioned wasn't in your TX butterfly guide is a Banded Peacock, Anartia fatima. It is in the brushfoot family (admirals and sisters).

kkryno said...

What a beautiful place!

Corner Gardener Sue said...

More pretty birds! What a great time it looks like you had! Thanks for taking us along for part of the way!

Wendy said...

Oh yes - heaven on earth. With those butterflies and bugs it's like summer in February!
Thank you so much for sharing your vacation.